Association Executive

ChairBill Reid
Vice ChairTrisha Lichtenberger
TreasurerSheila Finlay
SecretaryAlistair Munro
Lake StewardBrooke Millar

Members at large:

Adrienne Ogilvie, Barb Millar, Barry Noble, Craig Homewood, Mike Homewood, Dave Bernardo, Gemma Bernardo, Martha Asselin, Mellinda Maggisano, Neil Williamson, Rosemary Off, Sheila Alexander, Steve Bernardo, Sue O’Dwyer

Association e-mail

Cottage Association Dues

Dues of $20 and donations can be e-transferred to Sheila Finlay at, – with the security question, – “what is the name of our lake?” and answer “Methuen”. With increasing insurance costs, inflation and other expenses we are increasingly reliant on your generous donations that allow us to put on a full calendar of activities and events over the summer. 


Members resources and the MLCA Gallery is password protected. The password is “havelock” all lower case. The password should only be shared with association members and families. 

On the website we have…

If you wish to change your contact details, – you can either do it through the link on the website or use the association email.

An email will hit your inbox when an entry is made to the marketplace so you don’t miss a bargain or two.

Alert on Lake

To summon help in an emergency, – 3 long blasts on a horn, pause, 3 more long blasts, pause. And then continue using a horn in this fashion until help arrives.

Fire Pumps and fire safety

We have four fire pumps on the lake (see map on website). We will let you know dates of when Bill Reid will be doing training on how to operate them. 

With our summers getting hotter the risk of fire is greater, – please be more aware around campfires. Keep them small and manageable and do make sure you have a hose ready to quell the flames if necessary. You can find the HBM Township regulations regarding open air burning at this link…..

2024 events

There is a schedule of events on the website with more to come and dates as we get them.

Book Club

First book club meeting is on May the 26th from 2 to 3:30pm at Martha Asselin’s dock. In this first meeting, – showcase and tell us about your favourite book in 2 minutes! A vote will be taken on which of the presented books will be the reading material for this summer. If you wish to attend, email Martha at

Canada Day Parade and Fireworks

Saturday June the 29th with a rainy-day backup on June the 30th. 

To celebrate our national day, drape your boat with Canadian flags, bunting and other decorations and meet opposite Finlay’s Island at 8:30pm for the boat parade. 

Fireworks just after dusk, – around 10pm.

Picnic Island Cleanup

The picnic site cleanup starts at 10am on Saturday July the 27th. If you want to show off your weed destroying hardware, – get there early, – the keeners will be there at 9am.

Civic Celebration Picnic and AGM

The celebration picnic and AGM is on August the 3rd on the picnic island. If you haven’t already paid your association dues, – bring cash and a fat wad extra for the prize draw. Hotdogs will be provided.  And this is a potluck, – desserts. Please consider items that won’t melt in the heat. Order of service. 1pm arrival, games followed by hotdogs and sugar fest, fishpond, AGM and prize draw. To sign up little fisherman for the fishpond, – please use the sheet on the website under the Civic Weekend Activities tab. 

Prize donations for the draw please drop off on Martha Asselin’s dock. 

Fishing Derby

Barry Noble, our resident fishing expert, will be running the fishing derby.  It will be held on Saturday August the 10th from 10am to 730pm. If there are thunderstorms on the Saturday and the derby is cancelled, the fish won’t be so active the next day, – so it will be switched to the following Saturday. 

Golf Tournament

After last year’s competitive and fun day for people who like to hit a ball about three times and spend the rest of the day looking for it, – the Methuen Golf Tournament will be put on again by Mike Homewood. Once we know dates and details, we will share them with you. 

Labour day weekend Corn Roast

Saturday August the 31st. Bernardo family hosted tradition and oh so much fun, including, – corn roast and band with Taylor Swift, Iggy Pop and Shirley Bassey numbers. This is a potluck, and the food is outstanding every year. We will need a few hands to set up in the morning and a few the next morning, – 9am, – to clean up. 

Sailing Race

Sunday September the 1st. Non-motorised vessels of any shape or form with a sail welcome to join in. Timing, – we will let you know in an email and schedule of events on the website.

Fun run/walk

Fun run/walk followed by brunch – Saturday September 14th with rain date, – like a cyclone, – because runners/walkers do rain, – the next day. 

Lake Swag

Our supplier has gone rogue, – so we will be sourcing another. We will share options and prices for the latest lake fashion in the next little while.

Lake Steward

Our lake steward Brooke Millar will be collecting surface water in early summer to test for E. coli. We remind boaters to slow down and give right of way to our loons.

Road Associations

The MLCA has no responsibility for the roads into your cottage but there are two road associations that work hard on your behalf, collecting fees, co-ordinating road work etc. For information contact: for North Road FR84 and for South Road FR83.